Video on Demand
The 7 Nightmares Girl with English subtitles on vimeo
The 7 Nightmares Girl Chapter 1 is now available on vimeo with English subtitles


We are online now with a Video-on-Demand site:
there are also free trailers and some making of´s on the site.
There are 2 Terror Stalkers sites on vimeo 1 with English subtitles
Stars Will Perish 2016

Online auf vimeo ist eine neue Schnittfassung von Stars Will Perish mit Micaela Schäfer.
Der Film wurde auf HDV gedreht, bisher aber nur in DVD Qualität veröffentlicht. Seit Januar 2016 gibt es jetzt eine völlig neue HDV Schnittfassung mit neuer Musik auf vimeo.
There is an all new version of Stars Will Perish on vimeo with new music. The video had been shot in HDV but so far had been only released on 720 quality. There is also for the first time an English subtitles version on vimeo.
Die Schulfeindin - A new Kind of Thrill

The 7 Nightmares Girl On Vimeo

So far The 7 Nightmares Girl series is our most popular program on vimeo.
There is a site with all already shot episodes with lots of making of videos.
As we shot usually with two or three cameras we have many hours of not already shown
material and we will continue uploading more and more of this material.

For more information on
The 7 Nightmares Girl
and much more photos and infos
see also
or the vimeo site:

More than 800 Gator Group videos on vimeo
On our vimeo site you will find now more than 200 videos including 18 programs and more than 100 trailers and free making ofs of Unhappy End!, Nightmare Follies, The 7 Nightmare Girls and other Gator programs.
See you on vimeo...