Last Laugh (2008) - The Movie

Funding Distribution
We just edited a new version that will be released with the old one this summer.
You can contribute and get a LL perk, we have a campaign at .
Last Laugh

Last Laugh - The Movie (2008)
In 2007 we had shot the 30 minutes episode Last Laugh starring
Maja Loomand Sandra Luedke. Maja Loom did co-produce and
some days before x-mas Debby told me she will fly for several weeks
to Brazil and we decided Maja would shoot there some additonal
scenes to use in a movie version. In the meantime I found Carolin´s
website with some nice photos of a Splatter-shooting. I contacted
Carolin and we decided to set up something new, a little bit more
darker than Unhappy End! and The 7 Nightmares Girl emerged.
When Carolin came to Berlin during Berlin Filmfestival 2008 to
shoot the first episode of T7NG we shot an additional opening
scene for the Last Laugh movie with Carolin as the first of several

The HDV scenes with Maja and Sandra had been already
in late 2007. Sandra Luedke played the unhappy girl who once
was in school a fat ugly duckling and all the beautiful girls made
fun of her. Determined to take horrible revenge, she first looses
weight and from murder to murder uses more and more make-up
looking more and more attractive and lures her former classmates
to a studio. Maja played the beautiful model who thinks she is
meeting a photographer. She is taken prisoner and bound and
gagged and the bad girl tortures her in horrible ways finally killing
her by tickling her literally to death.
Maja as usual looked very beautiful even with a gag in her
mouth and managed somehow to still look very, very cool while
Sandra played an hilarious and frightening crazy girl and you
do not know from a certain point who is the real monster: the
ugly duckling whom strikes back or the beautiful victim who
actually deserves being tortured for having made fun of her
poor former classmate.

Micaela Schaefer, one of the most attractive German models
and actresses played the last victim who finally breaks free
and overpowers the villainess.
Sandra´s make-up and looks are now the way she would
perfect fit into the girl´s group who once rejected her.
And Micaela plays her part the way you actually start to
like Sandra´s bad girl.

I´ve noticed Micaela Schaefer in German tv shows and as a model
in magazines and I always wanted to work with her thinking she
would fit perfect in our series.
I finally found her website and contacted her, we met in a Cafe in
Berlin and we did shoot several projects together, including Last
Laugh, The 7 Nightmares Girl and Nightmare Follies.
Micaela is a perfect actress with a wonderful clear voice.
In Last Laugh she is both victim and villainess and I personally
like her even more playing the bad girl part.