A Bouquet for a Kill (2007)

With the new millenium I felt we should move on with
Unhappy End! to another level. We had already shot in
several countries including the USA.
One of my alltime favorite actresses is Lydie Denier,
the beautiful heroine of the Max Keller series Tarzan
and Acapulco H.E.A.T. and in 2002 I met with Lydie in
Hollywood to discuss working together. It took several
years but we finally shot "A Bouquet for a Kill" in 2007
in Germany.
We shot two versions, a short version and a long version.
The project is based on Unhappy End! episode 2,
Du sollst nicht Ehebrechen", actually it´s an English
version of the story.
Lydie Denier did star and direct. She played the part
Jean Bork once played in the German version.
We shot from February 2007 - Mai 2007.

The short version runs around 30 minutes.
The story is about a jealous wife Mrs. Tanner who rea-
lizes, her husband has an affair with another woman.
The wife overpowers the other woman, ties her up and
gags her and wants to kill her - but killing someone is
not that easy.
Lydie played the victim and directed. While shooting
Lydie for reasons I never understood, contacted a big
US production company and asked them to buy me out
so she can take over the project. I refused and the
long version which has been shot in May 2007 in Ber-
lin so far could not be edited.
Lydie used several strange methods trying to push me
out of my own projects, this is discussed at large on
other websites, including
so I will not write here about this issue.

Jean Bork did co-write the original script and did star in
the original German version entitled "Du sollst nicht
In "A Bouquet for a Kill" (2007) Jean did gueststar in
a short scene.
Lydie who directed "A Bouquet for a Kill" made to changes
in the short version: In the original German version, Mrs
Thanner comes to the lover´s place and asks her to stay
away from her husband and when she refuses, the wife
takes the other woman prisoner and ties her up. In "A
Bouquet for a Kill", Mrs Tanner does not talk to the lover,
she just invades her place, beats her up and ties her up
and gags her. So this had much more pace than the
original story a little bit like in the 1993 UE episode Die
Rivalin, there is suspense right from the start.
Lydie also came up with a new (un-)happy ending which
I liked a lot.

When in the early 2000s digital video became more and
more an issue, we made a German remake of "Du sollst
nicht Ehebrechen!" using both an analog Panasonic and
a digital DV camcorder.
The episode, it was 19, is entitled Die Hexe (The Witch).
Katja Bienert played the part of the jealous wife in this
other German version. In the English version A Bouquet
for a Kill Katja did gueststar as Maryanne.

Mona Glass, one of the most attractive German
actresses played the part of the beautiful witch
who is taken prisoner and tortured by the cazy
German wife.
We shot this episode in the same apartment
as some years later A Bouquet for a Kill.

Katja played the deeply religious wife who is convinced
her husband´s lover is a witch and she tortures her help-
less victim till she finally admits having bewitched the